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Abbotsford Chamber advocates to Senate Committee for Investments in Critical Flood Infrastructure to Protect Businesses and Farmland

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Abbotsford Chamber advocates to Senate Committee for Investments in Critical Flood Infrastructure to Protect Businesses and Farmland

February 12, 2024

Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce advocates to Senate Committee for investments in critical flood infrastructure to protect businesses and farmland ACOC had the opportunity to join industry leaders from across the region to provide testimony to the Senate of Canada on their upcoming report analyzing the impact of climate change on critical infrastructure across Canada. Here our CEO, Alex Mitchell, focused on Abbotsford’s strategic importance to the region, the Abbotsford International Airport (YXX), the need importance…

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Abbotsford Chamber Provides Expert Testimony to the Federal Government Budget Process

January 16, 2024

ACOC had the opportunity to join industry leaders from across the region to provide testimony to the Federal Government’s Select Standing Committee on Finance. Here our CEO, Alex Mitchell, focused on the burdens associated with the layering on of taxes on small businesses, ways for the Federal government to improve competitiveness, and the need to invest in trade-enabling infrastructure.   Click to view the official transcript from the Ministry of Finance   Ms. Alex Mitchell:…

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