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Media enquiries:
Nathalie Darwin
Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce
604-859-9651 x 301
Recent Releases
Fraser Valley Business Coalition Urges Political Leaders to Address Key Economic Issues Ahead of Provincial Election
NEWS RELEASE For immediate release. (FRASER VALLEY) October 1, 2024 – As the Provincial election approaches, the Fraser Valley Business Coalition (FVBC) made up of four local Chambers of Commerce; Langley, Mission, Abbotsford and Chilliwack, calls on all candidates and political parties to prioritize the critical issues that will shape the future of our region.…
Information Bulletin: Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Partners with Business Organizations for series of all-candidates meetings in advance of Provincial Election
The Chamber is putting business issues at the forefront with a series of events to discuss priority policy topics with declared provincial candidates Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Partners with Business Organizations for series of all-candidates meetings in advance of Provincial Election (ABBOTSFORD B.C.) Sept 16, 2024 – The Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce has partnered with…
Statement: Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Welcomes $2.65 Billion for Highway 1 Expansion
For Immediate Release STATEMENT: Abbotsford Chamber of Commerce Welcomes $2.65 Billion for Highway 1 Expansion Following years of chamber advocacy, new provincial funding continues phased expansion of critical corridor ABBOTSFORD, B.C., – August 15th, 2024- The Abbotsford Chamber is welcoming the announcement of a $2.65 billion investment from the Province to fund Highway 1 expansion…
Premier, Mayors, Join 200 Business Leaders at Inaugural Fraser Valley Economic Summit Touting Region’s Economic Potential
NEWS RELEASE For immediate release. (FRASER VALLEY) May 23, 2024 – The inaugural Fraser Valley Economic Summit was held this week and brought together BC Premier David Eby, the Mayors of Langley Township, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission, alongside 200 business leaders for a full day of discussions and advocacy on regional economic opportunities, emerging sectors,…
Premier Eby to Attend Inaugural Fraser Valley Economic Summit, May 21
For immediate release. (ABBOTSFORD) May 17, 2024 – The Fraser Valley Business Coalition is proud to announce that Premier David Eby will be attending the first Fraser Valley Economic Summit, hosted at the University of the Fraser Valley in Abbotsford B.C. on Tuesday May 21st. The Premier will be providing an official government address to…
Leaders Headed to the Fraser Valley for Inaugural Economic Summit
Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission Chambers have united as the Fraser Valley Business Coalition (FVBC) to convene business and government leaders for Economic Summit, May 21st. For immediate release. (ABBOTSFORD) April 29, 2024 -Today, the Fraser Valley Business Coalition announced the official program for the inaugural Fraser Valley Economic Summit taking place at University of…
New Business Coalition Forms to Deliver a Bold Economic Vision for the Future of the Fraser Valley
Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission Chambers are uniting as the Fraser Valley Business Coalition (FVBC) on behalf of thousands of businesses to advocate for growth-enabling investments to support businesses and strong economic activity across the region. For immediate release. (ABBOTSFORD) March 6, 2024 – Today, four Chambers of Commerce representing thousands of private sector members…
Joint Submission to the Fraser Valley Highway 1 Corridor Improvement Project by the Fraser Valley Chambers
Back to Blog In response to the release of plans for new Highway 1 upgrades by the Province, four Chambers of Commerce representing the Fraser Valley, including Abbotsford, Langley Township/City, Mission, and Chilliwack, are uniting to push for an expedited completion of this Highway 1 expansion project to bring better transportation capacity to the region.…
Fraser Valley Chambers of Commerce Unite to Urge the Province to Speed Up the Expansion of Highway 1
Langley, Abbotsford, Chilliwack and Mission Chambers are urging the Province to have shovels in the ground to expand of Highway 1 and commit to funding it from Langley to Chilliwack to ensure the continued growth, and mobility of business and economic activity across the region. (FRASER VALLEY) August 8, 2023 – In response to the…